Agenda Item Summary


Public Works Committee Meeting Date:   May 26, 2015

City Council Meeting Date: June 1, 2015

Staff Contact: Dan Kools - Project Engineer

Petitioner: City of Rapid City Public Works Department - Water Division

Location: 3010 Dyess Avenue.  An H-Lot, part of the SW1/4 of Section 21, T2N, R8E, Rapid City, Pennington County, SD. 

Agenda Title:

Approve Request from the City of Rapid City Public Works Department - Water Division for a Variance to Waive the Requirement to Install Sidewalk per City Ordinance 12.08.060 Along Dyess Avenue for the Property Located at 3010 Dyess Avenue – An H-Lot, Part of the SW1/4 of Section 21, T2N, R8E, Rapid City.


A request was received in the Engineering Office on 5/04/15 requesting the requirement to install sidewalk along Dyess Ave per City of Rapid City Ordinance 12.08.060 be waived. A 5’ sidewalk is required to be constructed along Dyess Ave at the time of building permit, with the property having approximately 90 feet of frontage along Dyess Ave. The requested variance will allow for construction of the Ellsworth Air Force Base Water Meter Facility on the property without the installation of sidewalk in the adjacent right-of-way. Adjacent Dyess Ave is a minor arterial street with no sidewalk, and a rural street section with ditches to accommodate drainage. The property is a City owned H-Lot. Sidewalks today may interfere with the existing drainage ditch in the Dyess Ave right-of-way and grading and drainage culverts are necessary to accommodate the sidewalk installation.  


There is one option for sidewalk; install the sidewalk 1 foot inside the section line ROW which may have conflicts with the roadside ditch.  Currently there are no sidewalks on Dyess Avenue north of East Mall Drive.


Based upon the rural nature of this site and the lack of pedestrian traffic in the area, it seems reasonable to allow a variance to the sidewalk requirement until development in the area necessitates construction of an urban street section and sufficient right-of-way is dedicated along Dyess Avenue.  The Rapid City Council has the authority to order in sidewalk at any time, should sidewalk in this area become necessary.


A sidewalk variance request was approved with a waiver of right to protest by City Council for 3356 Dyess Ave located two parcels north of the property on 6/18/12.  A sidewalk variance request was approved with a waiver of right to protest by City Council for 3660 Dyess Ave located three parcels to the north on 11/5/12.   A sidewalk variance request was approved with a waiver of right to protest by City Council for the parcel immediately adjacent to the property on 4/6/15.        

Funding Source & Fiscal Impact (if applicable):



Cost Center



Cost Center







Action: Choose an item. Approve

City Council Options:

Approve, approve with a waiver of right to protest, or deny.

Attachments & Links:

Variance Request

Location Map